Sunday, March 22, 2009


It's almost the end of March and it's the first entry for the year! I forgot I have this blog. So much has happened since the last entry.

This country is in hell in a handbasket. I'm surprised it happens so fast. With it came a decline in business which has been going on for a long time. I read so much of this impending doom more than a year ago. Now we're here. I didn't buy any gold coins. My mutual funds which I was hoping to help pay for my kid's education all have lost money. The government bailouts will just cause a devaluation in our currency. All the money I have in the bank will be eroded by inflation.

We got a new president. But I just can't obtain an Obamagasm. More social programs to fix this fix that. The bill will be stuck to the middle class in higher taxes.

The OL monku at me about getting a job. I cannot find a job. Just a higher number on the blood pressure.

We took down the exhibit, Icons of Presence at the Chinese Culture Center early January.

I did the graphics for Day of Remembrance again. Originally RT did the postcard, but JH did not want that design, so after RT and LS got all pissed off about the rejection and re-do, they just walked away from it.

JH had me do the design. Here's what postcard looks like;

Then there was the flyer and poster;

This time I saw to it that I got paid for it instead of doing it for JTA. I figure I did my share.

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